. @nytimes has retired the word “OpEd” for “guest essay”. Glad the NYT is catching up with @newlinesmag’s editorial dislike of this whole OpEd thing.

Kidding. Just a little: the format not the term is getting old. We don’t do the usual OpEds, to *minimize* bias, polemics & fluff. https://twitter.com/katiekings/status/1386730914638667784
I discussed this philosophy earlier this week as I and @kshaheen have a talk about the story of @newlinesmag.

We’ve created rules that (no matter who writes or handles pitches) make it hard to publish *hot takes*. https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/calendar/newlinesmagcom-fresh-voice-middle-east
A bit related, one of the most amazing things we’ve found from the experiment that is @newlinesmag is that A LOT of readers enjoy reading about complex issues & spent A LOT of time on each essay. Contrary to the age-old cliche (myth) that readers have short attention span.
(Excuse the typos, as always)
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