hey can we talk abt this though because i have some things to say and this was honestly a good take to see because it’s rare people even address this on here https://twitter.com/twdreamie/status/1388136942991200265
here’s the thing, in this thread (because i know it’s gonna end up being a thread) i wanna preface by saying d+g have given ppl explicit permission to ship dnf!! which means /that/ in itself isn’t an invasion of their privacy or crossing any boundaries (also hello i like dnf)
pre-heat waves (and other events which normalised shipping dnf on main), ppl used to be especially hostile whenever it got brought up, ppl were even HARASSED for talking abt it casually and this is a bad thing and a bad era because it’s smth d+g have explicitly stated
against doing!! this is important! however, i think smth also important to think abt is the extent and lengths you go to talking about them on main, my general rule of thumb is jokes are fine! appreciation for their dynamic and fanart is fine! but truthing on main really is
inherently weird to me and so is letting those tweets blow up big enough to cross dream + georges timelines do they really need to see some of the things you guys are saying? at the end of the day you’re still talking about two real people who read everything you say about them,
their lax boundaries don’t
and shouldn’t mean anything and everything goes, showing respect for them as people and avoiding stuff like analysis + theories blowing up is important i think because twitter is a very public platform + it really isn’t!! the place for shipping the
same way isolated communities
for that kind of stuff are, you know? (using tumblr as an example because it’s so far removed from the cc’s but on twitter the equivalent could be locked accs and gcs!!) btw i do say this all respectfully because i understand there are a lot of
young people in this fandom like
i’ve taken that into consideration! we all make mistakes too but just generally my point is be more careful what you tweet and blow up remember when george had to address the edited picture of him saying a slur? that’s never something he
explicitly stated wasn’t okay but it was treated as common sense, treat other instances the same, maybe don’t operate under the assumption that you can do and say anything because dream and george would be okay with it, don’t be desperate to cross any lines and just Be mindful
this is ok to rt if you think it’s important for ppl to hear and genuinely this isn’t a vague at anyone just a chat abt the general culture on here + these are just some thoughts that have been sitting w me
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