a thread of lesbophobia in the community

retweets appreciated <3
first off to clarify i am a nonbinary lesbian and these are my own opinions, other lesbians might disagree and that’s okay i am not the spokesperson for lesbians.
1) the biggest thing i see is non lesbians talking over us, in every situation that involves lesbophobia i get told that i shouldn’t be offended or that i’m just sensitive. it is not your place to tell us how to feel or to speak for people/ccs that have said something we-
interpreted as lesbophobic or offensive.
2) stop calling cishet men lesbians, lesbians have expressed this makes us uncomfy but you keep doing it. stop including men in our sexuality that doesn’t involve them. this includes lesbianinnit and calling a man a protector of lesbians, if you are not a lesbian, it makes-
it seem that we need a man to protect us.
3) don’t use lesbophobia for clout if you are not a lesbian. we have to deal with so much shit so often we don’t need non lesbians using our struggles for interactions.
4) stop invalidating nonbinary and non she/her lesbians, lesbians aren’t just women attracted to women. we’re non men attracted to non men. so stop saying i can’t be lesbian because i’m nonbinary.
this goes along with the previous point but please stop pushing labels on nonbinary lesbians (such as trixic and others). we aren’t all comfortable with that label and we’re allowed to use the label lesbian !
5) lesbian is not a slur. lesbian is not a dirty word. use the word lesbian don’t use wlw or sapphic to avoid it, use lesbian. lesbian and wlw are not always interchangeable stop acting like it.
6) lesbians are lesbian because of our attraction to women not because of ‘our hatred to men’ stop using the stereotype that we hate all men it’s annoying.
7) don’t make comments about how you want to become a lesbian because ‘we have it easier’ or because a man upset you, that isn’t how it works and it’s invalidating.
8) stop pushing stereotypes that make it seem that all lesbians fall under ‘cottagecore lesbian’ or ‘hey mamas lesbian’ and when we don’t dress or act like one of those we get comments about how we don’t look like a lesbian.
9) just because i stan men and/or call them attractive doesn’t make me any less lesbian. stop saying i’m in my ‘straight era’ or making comments like ‘i thought you were lesbian’ when i call dream hot. i can point out when someone is attractive i’m not blind.
10) don’t come into spaces meant for lesbians when you aren’t lesbian, those spaces are meant for lesbians not wlw. same with people calling us valid i don’t want to see comments of people saying ‘i’m not lesbian but thanks’ that post was not meant for you !
11) don’t villainize our struggles. we bring things up constantly and nobody seems to want to listen, but when someone you don’t like is doing something, you use our struggles that you previously ignored to bring them down. lesbophobia is not a tool to get someone canceled.
end of thread, if anyone lesbians want me to add anything you can reply or dm me !! also if any part doesn’t make sense or you have a different opinion lmk i’d be happy to talk about it <33
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