Fantastic treat of a day out today - firstly we visited Llanfrothen. It is receiving some tlc, so weā€™ll have to visit again sometime... @friendschurches
Then we went to Penmorfa St BeunošŸ„°lovely..
Then we visited Ynyscynhaearn.. oh my.. what a truly spiritual place. We listened to Thomas L Thomas while there. Canā€™t quite find the words..šŸ¤”šŸ„°such a unique place..
Then on to Llanbeulan.. šŸ„°Pondered at the grave of Richard Lewis RWF, died age 20 in 1916šŸ˜”
And then my absolute favourite, St Maryā€™s, Tal y Llyn. I adore the simplicity of this most calming place. Plain walls not interrupted by plaques etc. Straight forward benches for all who gather there and no apparent divisions depending on wealth..
or social position. A sense of equality and freedom to be with your own thoughts without distractions. With the sun streaming through the door and the quiet countryside around.. there was such a sense of peace. BeautifulšŸ„°
Is it just us, or do you look for swallow nests in every lychgate? Thank you, thank you @friendschurches for keeping these most wonderful, powerful, important places open and available for all to enjoyšŸ„°Diolch o galonā™„ļøšŸ“󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳ó æ
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