/ csa , trauma , molestation

I've never publicly "come forward" but I was molested by my grandmas boyfriend when I was <6 on several occasions.

Once I actually started crying midway through and she caught him, first thing she said was "I told you if this happened again you're
– going to prison" which always stuck with me. I had to live with her a while ago because of transphobic parents and she still brought up funny memories and stories about him.

I don't see her anymore.

He didn't get arrested because the police deemed me "too young" to -
- make a statement about what happened.

I didn't get counselling because my parents religion included her belief that these things happen to everyone and we should just continue as normal.

I'm making this thread because I beg any of my younger mutuals who may have -
- gone through something similar to reach out for that help. It's impacted me more as adult than it ever did as a child/teenager in ways I still don't fully understand
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