okay storytime i've discovered something insane
okaty there's this website i've joked about a few times on here it's a fellini fansite of sorts called http://felliniesque.com  more or less normal fansite with normal fansite stuff about fellini's movies
i clicked on the page for the supposed "movie" being linked on the page it's an IMDB link for "the red queen" which is a supposed musical. at this point i realized that the director of this is the guy who runs the site and the star is his wife right. that's sweet
anyways i look to see information about the director slash http://felliniesque.com  webpage owner and okay. so first of all this guy is way older then somebody who should be running a Federico Fellini fansite like this dude for reference is older then Rainer Werner Fassbinder
read the dude's bio. i do not process how crazy any of this is and i think lmao his dad is named 'Nimrod Alexander'
this is on the trivia section for "Vic Alexander" and it's about his dad
the IMDB bio for his supposed father ("Nimrod Alexander" is also insane)
these are all of Nimrod Alexander's credits
some IMDb trivia for "The Red Queen"
The Red Queen is either real or it's not. But there's a video of a song from The Red Queen
okay what is this
found a youtube video from Vic Alexander's channel called "Fellini Directs Again!"
doing more research. this guy has a book.
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