ive never been great at processing my emotions so. james potter brainrot lets go
james is the best person to be with, no matter how and what you’re feeling. somehow he always knows exactly what to say or what not to say, for that matter. it was especially apparent with sirius, because they were so close, james understood every imperceptible shift in his mood—
people were usually thrown off by how quickly sirius’ moods would change, but never james.
rage— when sirius was angry, filled with burning rage, that boiled over and came out in the form of shouted words and barbed insults, james knew what to do. he stood there, he listened, and when it seemed as if sirius would float off in his rage, james would grab his hands—
to ground him. remind him that he was safe, he was at home, and that no one was leaving. because, that was what it came down to in the end. james would never leave sirius, even when he was at his worst. when sirius was more aware, james would hug him. and sirius would continue—
his rant in a similar fashion, though accompanied with tears. he would then start shouting less and crying more, until they were sat on the floor—still hugging, mind you—one sobbing, and the other silent, but present. a rock.
grief— sirius, it seemed, didnt know how to grieve. and much like he did his other emotions, sirius pushed them down. he went about as nothing had happened. james, however, knew his brother better than that. he knew when he needed silence, and he knew when silence was the worst—
possible thing for him. so james sat with sirius. made sure he knew that he wasnt alone, in his grief, in life, ever. he filled the silence, with stories, the dumbest shit to keep him distracted. but he stopped when he knew sirius wanted to talk. because that was it with—
them. james always knew.
happiness— james was the loveliest person. the kind who would share your joy like it was his own, because in a way it was. he was most like that with sirius. every one of sirius achievements was as important to him as his own. every smile on sirius’ face, every laugh—
made him as happy as if they were his own.
sadness— james was never the kind of person to leave you alone when you asked him to. which was perfect with sirius because he never wanted to be left alone no matter how many times he pushed people away. sirius didnt cry when he was sad, no. he would go quiet—
he would stare at the walls, at the ceiling, wherever his eyes would fall, and he’d be stuck in his head. replaying every terrible memory. chipping at himself, slowly, painfully. james would pull him out. he’d talk over sirius thoughts, be loud enough that sirius would—
get distracted and would have to look at james. sometimes he wouldn’t be in the mood for james’ sunshiney self, so he’d go to remus. remus wouldnt ask questions that he knew sirius wouldn’t answer.
hunger— james would be the kind of person who knew everyone’s favourite food, favourite snack, favourite meal of the day, even. he’d have a chocolate ready for remus, who’d come out of an exam, craving something sweet. he’d have late night snacks for sirius when—
he’d crawl into james’ bed after a nightmare. he’d have peter’s favourite crisps, for when he’d had a particularly bad day in classes. he’d have gumballs for lily, who normally hated them, but needed something to chew on when she was stressed.
conclusion, james fucking potter is a prince among men and i cant stop thinking about him.
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