So, if you read my original NFT thread and want an update, the update is: stay the hell away from NFTs.
Back when I wrote that there were mixed signs, some scammy stuff but also some legitimate traffic. (As in, "people purchase NFTs from artists because they actually liked the work.)

Things have devolved since then, and there's almost nothing left in the market but scams.
All the tech/environmental stuff still applies, but in addition you're *a lot* more likely to get ripped off. A lot of the big headline numbers you see are basically fake, generated by someone buying an NFT from themselves or a confederate to generate the appearance of a market.
@FoldableHuman has a good thread on that here:
So, where my advice was once "eh, you may as will rip off some crypto people before it all collapses", I think it is now much too dangerous to touch.
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