🚨Fri. PM ruling from @VAStateCorpComm re: @DominionEnergy’s 2020 RPS filing. SCC rules that utility must consider the RPS in their RE proposals and mandates, going forward, that Dom present a least-cost plan, a portfolio approach to REC acquisition, & more. Win one for #VCEA!
2/4 You might be wondering "Hey, why's this a win?" Here's why: @DominionEnergy essentially went into this docket arguing that the SCC should ONLY consider their procurement obligations under one specific part of the #VCEA (and disregard the rest). We disagreed...
3/4 @VA_AEE argued the crux of the #VCEA is the RPS. That's what the utility needs to meet, year after year. They can't just propose new projects and call it a day. W/ this ruling, the SCC agrees, ensuring the #VCEA will be fully and cost-effectively implemented.
You can follow @VA_AEE.
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