So the series I want to talk about is Revolutionary Girl Utena because not enough of my mutuals seem to talk about it which is a SIN!! I don’t want to spoil most of it because I want people to see it for themselves so I’ll only talk about things that are clear by episode 12.
There are so many things about Utena that are left ambiguous and fans still argue over to this day, but what the message and themes are very clear. The series is very pro-homosexuality for its time. While there are no blatant depictions of character of the same gender kissing or
Anything like that, most of the main characters are homosexual or implied to be bisexual. Another important theme in this series is gender roles. Utena’s goal is to become a prince the series constantly asks “what does it mean to be a prince?” which really means “what does it-
Mean to be masculine?” Utena believes being masculine means to protect others like the prince who cheered her up after her parents died. However, many of the male characters like Touga and Saionji believe being masculine is to have power, and they manipulate and betray anyone to-
Attain that power. The series also questions roles of femininity with Anthy’s role as the Rose Bride. She is completely submissive to whoever won her in the duels regardless of her own personal happiness and safety. It isn’t until Utena shows genuine concern for her that she-
Starts to question that role. I could go on and on about the themes of the series, so I’m just gonna gush about the cinematography. It is my favorite anime of the 90s visually with beautiful architecture and effective cuts that border on surrealism.
I’m sorry if that was really awkward but I hope this encourages people to check out Utena. This series does so much and I didn’t want to spoil everything so please check this show out!
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