A breakdown of how I view c!Dream's character: his main qualities and motives, supplied with appropriate clips.

(a thread)

!!! All used names refer to characters, not CCs !!!
/dsmp /rp
1) Dream feels responsibility over the SMP because he believes it to be his on some level.

Dream may not be an admin powers-wise, but the dynamic is there. It is made clear that he has a higher status than other players, one that matters in-story.
Just to what extent the server is Dream's is up to debate, but this is all we know about Dream’s admin privileges in terms of lore. Tommy doesn’t challenge Dream when he calls the server his, so Dream’s ownership of the server is seemingly accepted as fact by the other characters
2) Dream sees attachments as a source of conflict.

The Disc War and L'Manburg are cases of great sentimentality being attached to things that have no inherent value, and they are also the sources of most of the server's conflict, together with pet killings.
3) Dream sees attachment as a way to control others, and has thus seemingly rid himself of all attachments so that they couldn’t be used against him.
4) Dream’s ultimate goal is bringing peace to the server.

He wants to return the server to its beginning – to when it was "a big happy family", before nations, sides and wars.
5) He wants no factions on the server aside from the Dream SMP itself.

However, Dream also doesn’t purposefully go against newfound factions so long as they don’t involve themselves in the politics of the server at large and remain peaceful.
(clip starts with “The plan-”)
6) Dream sets harsh ultimatums to scare opponents into succumbing to his wishes as soon as possible.

This can be seen both in early lore with how he retaliated against the creation of L'Manburg (his “White Flags” speech) and in later lore with how he reacted to Tommy’s blackmail
7) Dream will go to any lengths to achieve his goals.

He has a "the ends justify the means" mentality and will do anything he considers necessary to reaching his goal. He does what is likely to bring results, no matter how despicable others might find his methods.
8) Dream cares little for how others view him.

He thinks that whether someone is evil depends on which perspective you look through. He does not believe himself to be evil and isn’t worried by others finding him to be evil.
His disregard of how others view him is partially caused by experience. He is used to people calling him a villain just for defending what’s his, or for no reason at all. It’s not only that he doesn’t care for others’ opinions, he also doesn’t trust them anymore.
9) Dream claims to enjoy hurting Tommy.

While hurting other characters is just a means to an end for Dream, Tommy seems to be an exception, at least outwardly. He claims to find bringing Tommy harm entertaining.
10) Dream finds Tommy “important”.

Despite the fact that Tommy was the one who brought conflict to the server, he was also the one who brought attachments, which gave Dream the power to control said server.
11) Dream constructs scenarios and not narratives. He is strategist first, manipulator second

Dream has a good understanding of how people work. He is better at using existing motivations and beliefs than trying to change people.
(e.g. Dream knows exactly how Tommy sees himself)
This is something that sets him apart from Wilbur and Quackity, who rely on changing peoples’ perceptions of the world and enforcing beliefs on people to get their way. Dream relies on pre-existing perceptions and ideals to build his plans on instead.
12) Dream’s villain image is largely attributed to crimeduo’s reshaping of the narrative.

Early Dream has only been viewed as the villain because both Tommy and Wilbur needed to paint someone the villain for their “heroic” stories: the stories of L'Manburg and the Disc War.
Most of Dream’s actions are taken in retaliation, especially those in Season 1. He was painted as the initiator of both the L’Manburg independence and the Disc War, when it is not at all the case.
13) Dream is as morally grey as any other character on the Dream SMP.

Dream isn’t pure evil or pure good. Dream is someone fighting for what they believe is right, like any other character, and to reduce his role to simply “evil villain” is to do his character an injustice.
To sum up: c!Dream’s main goal is gaining enough influence over the server members to enforce a semi-peaceful lifestyle – to return the server to its original state – that of a countryless, harmonious society of friends.
The tale of c!Dream is the tale of a man resorting to progressively heartless methods to achieve the goal that, in his eyes, benefits everyone.
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