1 like = 1 curmudgeonly take
Wearing a jacket with slacks is not the same thing as wearing a suit
For a great many kids, school actually is just too easy
If you want to hassle people for how many spaces they put after a period, please don't be boring
Taking a few semesters in college and going to Cancun once does not make you "fluent in Spanish"
"Because I said so" is not an invalid statement when uttered to a kid
Workplace dress codes in the US have gotten depressingly lax
Whatever kind of alcohol you prefer is not a substitute for a personality
"Because it builds character" is a good reason to do things
You're not "fluent in sarcasm," you're just annoying
Americans who think the US should be more like Europe should just move to Europe or shut up

Same with Canada
If you're American and you live in the US, commonly using British colloquialisms in your speech makes you sound like a tool

We get it. You watched Mitchell and Webb in college. Good for you
You're an adult

Nobody's asking you to be a chef, you should at least be able to cook *something*
Just because something is socially constructed, doesn't mean it's bad
If you're at a busy gas station, leaving your car parked at the pump to go into the convenience store is obnoxious
Barring an emergency, not going insanely in debt is not hard
The rest of the world doesn't exist solely so you can travel to it

People actually do live there
Old people deserve respect

No, I will not elaborate
Doing your own taxes (for most individual filers) is not hard
Most of life is stuff you don't want to do

Get used to it
Card readers for credit cards are really annoying
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" might be a cliché, but you won't be resilient if you've never had to be
"Nothing in this world that's worth having comes easy"

- Dr. Kelso
If you use the shoulder lane to get ahead of traffic, I assume you are a bad person
Resenting your upbringing doesn't make you interesting
Kids should not call adults by their first names
Your job is in fact an obligation, and you should try to be good at it
The rest of the world cannot, in fact, be expected to go out of its way for your convenience
Sometimes bad things that happen to you actually are your fault
Per the Rolling Stones: you can't always get what you want
Life is a series of choices with associated trade offs. There is no perfect solution to everything
It's actually fine to split infinitives, and I scoff at people who act like they care
At the risk of being repetitive, important things actually do require work
"All women" don't act a certain way, nor do "all men."

You just date terrible people
It's ok for movies and TV to be entertaining

Not everything needs an elaborate backstory
Firefly is wildly overrated
Sex scenes are almost always unnecessary
Not everything needs to be affirmed

Some people are just bad at things
Writing is easy

Writing well is hard

A lot of people who think they write well do not
Showing up to work on time shouldn't be that hard
Making fun of people because they like fast food is stupid
Doing your own laundry and grocery shopping

also not hard
People who call themselves intellectuals should be ignored
No, you don't "f$&(!*g love science," you like pretty pictures
"Dad history" is unfairly derided and is in many cases a good thing
It's actually ok for kids to run around outside without someone watching them 100% of the time
Not enough people in positions of power have done boring, unpleasant jobs
Expecting immigrants to the US to learn English is not unreasonable, just don't be a jerk about it

I'm not going to move to Brazil and get mad because people speak Portuguese
A lot of children today have not heard the word "no" nearly enough times
Yardwork builds character
Education does not make you better than other people
Put pineapple on pizza

Don't put pineapple on pizza

I don't care about pineapple on pizza
Speaking more than one language is good

Like so many other things, it also doesn't make you better than other people
Going to therapy: also not a personality
American culture's obsession with what young people think is dumb
Americans don't appear more cultured by using British spellings of words
You don't have to publicly talk about your family's private business
A lot of people really don't think carefully enough about how they expose their kids to the world on social media
Your children and your family are not consumer goods or status symbols
Actually, I kind of like America
I don't respect everyone's point of view
I am suspicious of people who run for student government offices
Debates are often frivolous exercises and reward rhetorical prowess over actually arguing well or being right
In many cases, failure is a choice
Porn is bad, casual sex is bad, and monogamy is good
While not morally equivalent to porn, dating apps also reduce people to consumable products
Being late to appointments is rude and unclassy
Nobody owes you a job doing what you want to do
Children who are not taught to take responsibility for their actions become adults who don't take responsibility for their actions
People don't have to "accept you as you are"

Sometimes, you actually are the problem
You owe way more than you think you do to people who came before you
In the grand scheme of things, most of us are not all that special
If you claim to like animals more than people, I will probably roll my eyes
Add "being polite to people" to the list of things that aren't hard
Dressing well is good

Dressing like you're from an entirely different era in everyday life just makes you look like a dweeb
Being a Christian means doing you are going to have do things that will inconvenience you and not be the most satisfying

(I need to follow this advice more)
Important things are usually not going to be entertaining
It's ok to just enjoy things

Don't tell me I have to watch or read something and make it a homework assignment
People whose personalities are confined to their politics are tedious
People who practice a religion should at least try to believe in it
Complaining about your spouse is usually bad
"Your bespoke diet" is also on the list of things that don't substitute for having a personality
Your pet is a not a child
"We're pregnant"

I've said this before, but self-written wedding vows are bad, not just because a lot of them are badly written, but because some of the couples that do this act like they invented love or something
Not everything is or needs to be accessible

Some things are just hard to understand
A lot of people think being rude and being confident about it is the same thing as being assertive
You do not have a "grand-dog"





"Boys will be boys" is an acceptable sentiment provided it is confined to things like "he's climbing that tree we told him not to climb" and not literal sexual assault
Two-parent and multigenerational homes are good
American food is good

We are not a nation of haute cuisine, but our folk culture does make some good food
Your grandmother was right:

Saving your money is good, don't spend it on things you don't need
Relaxation and recreation are good

Idleness is bad
More people should wear ties
Using holidays as an opportunity to lecture relatives about politics really just betrays contempt
Old art and architecture is good
Barring serious illness, you should be able to take care of yourself when you're sick
Basing your personality off your favorite fictional universe is silly
Being well educated doesn't mean you're particularly insightful
Gently mocking people is ok for purposes of keeping them humble
Making people feel bad is ok if they deserve to feel bad
You do your kids a disservice if you refuse to discipline them
People don't deserve praise for meeting the bare minimum expectations of behavior expected of a decent human being
Self-care should be more clearly delineated from laziness
Add "learning to read an analog clock" to the list of things that aren't hard
The amount of apathy required to fail a high school class these days makes it harder and harder to call getting a diploma an accomplishment
Cover your mouth when you yawn
Your feelings are not always valid

Sometimes, you are wrong and selfish and should feel bad about it
Classical music?

Also good
Rewarding mediocrity begets more mediocrity
most tattoos are unsightly

astrology is cringe
If you're American, there are better hobbies than talking about how much you hate America
Expensive weddings are usually pointless
I will start caring about opinion polls of what Europeans think about US politics when somebody calls me to ask what I think about politics in Luxembourg, or something
Events should start at the time the invitation says they start
Whoever is driving the car gets to decide what music is playing
I am not obligated to validate other people's bad decisions
Leaving your spouse so you can "come out as polyamorous?"

incredibly cringe

and bad
don't make commitments you have no intention of keeping
people who travel a lot are not a superior subspecies of human
drinking a lot of coffee is actually pretty normal and is not unique
treat other people respectfully and also act like the kind of person who merits respect
as my mother says: life isn't fair
Everyone else acting like an idiot in no way requires you to do the same
Writing thank you notes is good
Your life is not a movie and you are not the main character
Chewing with you mouth open is gross
When it comes to announcing you are having kid, or the gender of said kid, you can always just be normal
If you have to ask strangers on line "AITA?," there's a good chance you are
Photographing or recording people in public is usually bad

Posting it online is worse
boys and girls are different
Many is the time when the best thing to say is nothing at all
Most of us don't know anything about anything
It's ok not to be equally upset about every bad thing happening in the world
Someone not wanting to date you doesn't make them bad
Most thing are, in fact, not about you
Not everything we want to happen is going to happen quickly
mocking "flyover country" is poorly-concealed snobbery that would be considered gauche if directed at nearly any other part of the world
adults should have enough respect for children to not take everything they say into serious consideration
American monarchism is mostly performance art
the biggest difference between smart people and dumb people is that smart people tell themselves more complicated lies
communism should be taken seriously as a political program

deadly seriously
You're not a traditionalist, you just like pictures of white girls in wheat fields
Not liking popular stuff also does not make you interesting
reading the Bible is good, actually
Firm handshakes are good

Purposefully squeezing the life out of someone's hand is not
If you view your friends only as stepping stones, you don't consider them friends
The facility with which you can quote movies and TV shows is also not a personality trait
Asking people to pray for someone is not an excuse to gossip
"He that blesseth his friend with a loud voice, rising early in the morning, it shall be counted a curse to him."

Proverbs 27:14
The existence of schools is predicated on the idea that young people don't know what's good for them

This is true
If you're a K-12 teacher and you're learning a lot about your content area from your students, you probably shouldn't be a teacher
If you don't know something, you can always just read a book
grilled meats =/= barbecue
Pronouncing non-English words with an exaggerated foreign accent while speaking English makes you sound absurd
Historical texts in English should translate non-English quotations
Helicopter parenting is a national security risk
non-Americans who criticize Americans for only speaking one language?

cool story, bro
People who like to drag historical figures should at least know something about them first
Somebody telling you they like something isn't an invitation to lead a graduate seminar for them on why it's bad
"Actually using your turn signal" is also going on the list of things that aren't hard
Eating some fruits and vegetables won't kill you, for crying out loud
Everyone should get puked on by a baby at least once
Just because you lack the curiosity to imagine you might be wrong, doesn't mean you're right
Getting drunk is bad
If you think you have brilliant idea and are baffled as to why nobody has had it before, there's a decent chance you just haven't looked hard enough
Needing an elaborate expanded universe to explain your plot holes is likely a sign of lazy writing
Stop hassling me about how much salt I eat

I do not care
I will put whatever I want on my hot dog, thank you very much
What sports teams you like are also not personality traits
Medical billing is witchcraft
Dealing with the IRS should be easier
In moderation, shame is good
People aren't always out to get you

Sometimes, you're just a jerk
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