Hey you guys.

You guys!


It’s #TableTopGails time!

Very cool stuff, including a lot of great indie rpgs and OH MY GOSH some big box games and damn, this is one great ****ing hobby!


Seriously, look at these boxes and covers. They are begging to be played! Also, I love how among the horror and dystopia, THERE’S SCOOBY DOO!

Bonus points, who is singing in the background?

Okay, first, big thank you to @robdaviau, @TheOnyxPath, @DawkinsMP, @thomzahler and @SatyrosBrucato for these fabulous games! This is a really metal selection this time!

Second, PLEASE feel free to ask questions or add comments, that’s the best part!

Also, the designers and publishers usually drop by, so it’s a great time to talk to them, too.

I have played NONE of these games yet, so if you have played them, let’s hear from you!

Legal note: these games were gifted to me, I am not paid to endorse anything, cool?

First is the wallet game SPRAWLOPOLIS, probably the most talked-about game from the great publisher @buttonshy Games. It’s a solo game, and it is AMAZING how much gaming fun is in this tiny package. I did play this one several times, it’s addictive!

Next, now, this is very cool. I have been looking forward to this. It’s POWERCHORD, MUSIC, MAGIC & URBAN FANTASY. It’s a musical setting for role-playing, and it’s gorgeous and unique. Written by a musician/dj/roadie, @SatyrosBrucato. It’s FASCINATING.

It’s full of gorgeous photographs of real musicians and lovely art, but more than that, it is also a complete pleasure to read. Give your characters gear and style, have them use magic and drugs, face groupies and promoters...it just feels COOL. Rock star fantasy!

The creator of the game and many of the team are following and posting in this thread if you have questions for them, but POWERCHORD is a big part of why I love RPGS, to live a life that otherwise we may never experience.

Great job, guys!

Next are some RPGs from @TheOnyxPath. I love how every publisher seems to have a ‘flavor,’ and these folks do great fringe genres, I love that.

First up is MONARCHS OF MAU, designed by @pugsteady. It’s an RPG based after cats take over from humanity!

It’s gorgeous.

It’s a complete rpg system, but the best thing is the world-building, which is lush and enormous. Loyalties are split into houses, character building is just FUN.

And it’s just full of beautiful art. Love it. The designer is here if you have questions! @pugsteady CATFIGHT!

Interesting! The next game seems as far as you can get from fancy cats as an rpg subject, but it’s ALSO designed by the same designer! It’s DYSTOPIA RISING EVOLUTION, about a world of survivors after nuclear attack, while being chased by the undead. Look at that cover!

Now, this may sound a bit Walking Dead-ish to you...it isn’t, it’s a full-rules rpg with very deep worldbuilding and a different feel, it feels like Mad Max vs. Zombies in a way, it has that kind of cleverness and intensity. Looks terrific, @pugsteady and team!

Again, a lot of the publishers and designers of these games are right here following the thread. If you have ANY questions about these or any other games, I am sure they will be delighted to answer!

Anyone out there played these games? Would love to hear!

Okay, now, these two are connected, I think...SCARRED LANDS was a very popular setting back during the third edition of D&D. @TheOnyxPath is bringing it back, updated for 5e. I don’t know much but both have beautiful art, with the Player’s Guide in STUNNING color.

It says that it’s a modern RPG influenced by Greek mythology. The overall back story is about, I think, Titans at War.

This is one of those rule books that you just read for pleasure, it;s just gorgeous to look at. The second book is a huge book of NPCs. Cool!

Also, in all cases in this thread, don't go by these photos, these books are all beautifully designed, and some are real standouts.

Now the RPG I was most looking forward to...


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