Nothing ~NOTHING~ fills me with white hot rage quite like a visit to the Installation Transportation office.
"Ma'am this form is wrong, your contact info can't go here. We need your next of kin data in case there's an emergency during your shipment"
"...isn't that what my DD93 is for?"
"Well no we need it on THIS form."
"Okay fixed the form, here ya go!"
"No ma'am, we can't take this. You typed this form up instead of building the autogenerated one in DPS."
"...But the info is the same."
"Yeah but DPS can't read this document."
"We didn't schedule your move yet because you didn't bring physical, signed copies to our office."
"They're uploaded in DPS with digital signatures, can yall see them in DPS?"
"Yes but we need you to bring in printed copies."
"Your orders say you have to do it."
"Okay, my orders say I have to bring in printed copies. But why? What are you going to do with them?"
"We schedule your move with them."
" that not the point of creating a shipment in DPS?"
"Well yes but we need the printed copies."
"And you guys...don't have a printer?"
We need to overhaul this whole system
Like the existence of this much red tape is frankly embarrassing to me as a logistician.

We have SUPERCOMPUTERS. In our POCKETS. TANKS. That drive THEMSELVES. And we stumble on PCS moves?
I know it sounds like I'm whining, because frankly I am.

But if we can't even make something as regular and rudimentary as a PCS move a smooth, easy, painless process, this is an indictment on our entire Army transportation capability.

Spearhead? More like rusty butter knife.
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