8 reasons why you should start a Twitter account:
1) Network

My Twitter feed is full of millionaires, geniuses and people that look like Greek gods.

I can also DM them whenever I want and if I'm interesting, they'll reply (and even do business together)

You're 1 DM from a different life, and this isn't an overstatement.
2) Leverage

The other day one tweet paid me more than what I used to make at my job in a month.


Because if you have a 10k follower audience,

And 1% buys a $29 product from you (not hard),

You just made $2,900.

280 characters made you $2,900.

Leverage, baby.
3) Knowledge

You stumble upon millions of dollar ideas every day, especially on Twitter.

I created a six figure business from an idea that took @lawrencekingyo 20 seconds to write.

Mental models
Business models
Courses that give you 100x returns

All in this app.
4) Network Effects

Introducing, the Retweet Button.

AKA the "I liked your tweet so much that you can have access to the audience that took me years to build for today"

A retweet has the power to start a business, it's that powerful.
5) Requires Zero Permission

I'll tag a creator I admire and ghostwrite tweets for him without his permission.


Because I don't need it.

Prove your skill in public and people who are interested will respond.
Before the Internet you had to get into a special school, get sponsored by some guy with a lot of money, pay for access to a convention and show your work.

Today all you have to do it press send.

Take advantage of this.
6) Insurance

I know for a fact that I'll never go broke.

All the relationships I've made here are basically insurance against poverty.

Lose my account? My friends will help me out.

Have zero money? I can create a product and sell it to an audience

Peace of mind.
7) Connecting With Your Audience

Facebook is fake, Instagram is fake, LinkedIn is fake, everything is fake.

Go on Twitter and see how much more real brands and people feel.

People follow IG people for how they look,

People follow Twitter people for how they think.
8) Magnetism

Building an audience is magnetizing yourself.

The bigger it is, the more magnetic you are, the more deals, people and money you attract.

90% of my clients are inbound because they found my Twitter.

Without my Twitter they wouldn't have known that I exist.
Just start.
You can follow @OneJKMolina.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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