This is kinda blowing up. Let’s break it down:

Danzig is right but for the wrong reasons. Yes. Punk could not have been created to today. But for the same reasons jazz or gangster rap could not have been created today either. Every new ground breaking sub genre is an artifact
2/ of its era. It can only be created in the exact cultural environment that is unique to a particular point in time.

He is making the assertion that rebellious, subversive music doesn’t exist because things are too safe or woke as he put it. I don’t think the evidence supports
3/ that claim. Songs like “WAP” take over the world & has conservatives clutching their pearls bc it’s too racy. Or have you seen the new @LilNasX video for “Montero”? An openly gay rapper giving Satan a lapdance. What’s more punk than that? It’s the biggest song in the world.
4/ And you have situations like @kanyewest going full MAGA. Which is very rebellious & nonconformist to hip hop culture. It drove everyone crazy & people talked shit. It still didn’t stop his album from going #1. He’s still a billionaire.
5/ Country star Morgan Wallen got caught saying the n-word on camera, & the whole industry drops him. Canceled, right? No. His sales go through the roof. It created the exact opposite effect. There is a giant movement against wokeness it turns out.
6/ Then you have anti-woke artists like rapper Tom MacDonald whose whole schtick is like “guilty of being a straight, white male”. This dude is pretty damn popular & it’s all about the how woke culture is terrible.
7/ I just found out about a new sub genre called Scam Rap. This dude TeeJayX6 teaches his fans how to run credit card fraud & identity theft in his songs. Sounds pretty fucking unsafe & rebellious & against the system. Punk even?
8/ I just think it looks like punk could never happen today when looking at the backdrop of basic rock music, but if you step back & look at the entire music industry, it’s never been more DIY. You can make a song in your bedroom cheaply & distribute it to the world.
9/ No gatekeepers. What’s more punk than SoundCloud rappers encouraging teenagers to get face tattoos & OD on prescription drugs? Just looking at rock music fails to tell the full picture of what’s happening in music & culture.
10/ And thinking that punk has only meant anarchy & saying fuck you is revisionist history.

The line between a certain style of punk & leftist politics is a well-worn tradition from Black Flag to Proaghandi to Green Day to Refused to Against Me to Pussy Riot.
11/ And that doesn’t mean all punks were/are left wing. But that doesn’t mean it hasn’t always been there to some large degree. This lack of historical contextualization always frustrates me.
12/ In many ways, there is more freedom now than ever before to express oneself publicly. But there also are more consequences for exercising that freedom. And not from govt or big business. It’s other people. It’s organic. And it is what it is. We are all beholden to our era.
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