I just want to share my thoughts about #EnoughIsEnough
People tend to forget that there is a real human being behind an account who is reading your message/comment whatever. And you don‘t know this person. You don‘t know what is going on with them, if they are fighting...(1/?)
a battle you know nothing about. You don‘t know how they are doing in life. It‘s so easy to forget that. Everyone is fighting their own battles. it is way too easy to hide behind the online anonymity. Just read your comment again. Would you say this to the person in real life?...
Would you like to recive this comment? Do you still respect the person you are sending this message? If no then please do not send it. Simply swallow your emotions in the minute and rethink. How can you bring your point across without hurting the other person or being mean,...
because (let‘s be real) there are way too many ppl being mean irl and on the internet. One does not need this kind of negativity. Because again you don‘t know how people will recive you message and what they are going through. If you dln‘t like what the person has said just say..
nothing. Obviously there are exceptions for this!! But when someone posts their selfie/art/whatever and you don‘t like it simply move on with your day. One negative comments sticks with you far longer than 100 positive comments! Please respect whoever posted it. The real human...
with real emotions. No matter how they look, what their gender is or their skin color. We are all just humans and we all are in this world together. We should make the best out of it and respect each other. And try to make life easier for one another. Respect someone like...
You want to be respected! It is really not that hard.

Sorry if I had any errors in this thread or if this is not your opinion. I do not want to take your opinion away. I just want to show you my point of view. And maybe you can rethink your actions for a second. I do this too..
because I am not perfect in any way. I am still learning about life. ✌️

That‘s it. Just wanted to share my thoughts about it. Have a great weekend!
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