This would’ve been Tony Stark/Iron Man if the movie had made it in the 1980s
This would’ve been Captain America in the 1980s
This definitely would’ve been Thor if the MCU had existed in the 80s
Denzel would’ve been War Machine!


War Machine!!!!
Michael J. Fox? Definitely Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Steve Guttenberg as Scott Lang/Ant-Man
Lol I ain’t even gotta speak on this one y’all already know
Michael Dudikoff and Michelle Pfeiffer

Hawkeye and Black Widow
Loki? Rutger Hauer EASILY
Guardians of the Galaxy up next!!!

1984 musical space opera

Peter Quill/Star-Lord

Corey Hart
Vanity definitely would’ve been Gamora
Sonny Landham would’ve been Drax
Carl Weathers as the voice of Rocket
Unfortunately he passed away in 1979, but Ted Cassidy would’ve had the perfect voice for Groot
Timothy Dalton would’ve been lit as Dr. Strange

And to correct an error, Mako as The Ancient One
Bill Paxton would’ve been the MCU’s Phil Coulson during this run
Steve James opposite Patrick Swayze’s Captain America as The Falcon

Throw in Michael Paré as Bucky/The Winter Soldier
Here’s a switch out courtesy of @AnarchyHabitat

Replace Denzel as War Machine with Bernie Casey

This one actually makes more sense in hindsight.

He’d be the prefect foil to Burt Reynold’s Tony Stark 😂
Going back to Steve Guttenberg’s casting as Ant-Man

Ideal casting choice for the three wombats 😂
Name someone who could’ve played Odin with more charisma and swag in the 80s than this man.

Nick Fury casting? Going back to @AnarchyHabitat’s choice of Clint Eastwood, WHICH WOULD BE IDEAL.

But I’ll also throw Carl Weathers in there as a casting choice as well.
Alright, I know Wesley didn’t blow up until the 90s but I can’t think of anyone else during the 80s who could’ve been better as Black Panther.

No not Denzel! I’m sorry he doesn’t fit the role to me 😂
Linda Hamilton would’ve been great as the Captain Marvel of the 80s
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