If you're creating a bot account specifically to bully, hate on, stalk, or attempt to shame those who name Christ but disagree with you...

I begin to wonder at your sanctification. And at some point, that wonder turns toward your justification. I begin to doubt your faith.
Because the one who is without love.......
And this applies across the board.

I have had a change of opinion about such "satire" and joke accounts. They cheapen the love we are to have for other believers and spit in the face of Christ, who shed His blood for the sins of those you disagree with.
If that makes me unfunny, or means I lack a sense of humor- maybe you need to take a spin through the OT and NT commentary on love toward others. Especially those within the faith.
I'm not a fan of being QT'd- but if you feel this is a thread you need to dunk on, go for it. I'm confident of the ground on which I stand, Biblically.

I am grieved at the callousness we have toward others for whom Christ died.
If you run such an account- either a bot or sarcasm or anon account and your stock in trade on that account is demeaning those for whom Christ died....

Consider that you are doing that to Christ's bride, to His very body.
I feel confident in saying that I am not the grieved party toward which you should be concerned.
You can follow @BandmanRyanA.
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