Y'all I just talked to my mom and oh boy I'm about to break it down... I'm from Detroit if you didn't know and my family knew everybody and I knew this but didn't know this.

Mom: Did y'all go to Aretha Franklin daddy church to visit?

Her: No because he was a HOE
Me: So you knew Aretha?

Mom: Girl yeah we knew her before all the fame we would go over her house and drink hot cocoa

Me: Say What

Mom: Girl we knew everybody, David Ruffin, everybody from Motown

Me: Hot Cocoa with Retha
Mom: Yeah we all would hang out together one day it was a Friday and it was 110 outside and somebody started playing music and we all started dancing in the street.

Next thing we knew Martha and the Vandellas recorded "Dancing In The Streets"
Mom: We didn't know Diana Ross like that because she lived in the projects and we couldn't go over there. We knew them... I have all the stories.

Me: Write a book

Mom: I was going to because these movies get wrong but I don't feel like it now.
My Great Grandmother had a restaurant in Black Bottom called the Cozy Corner and I guess from there folks just knew my family.

She said my grandmother went to go see Billie Holiday at a club in Chicago and a bullet went by her leg and that was her last time seeing Billie 😂
Mom: Berry Gordy had to sale Motown the Mob wanted him out of Detroit.

Mom: Girl MLK's sister lived across the street from us we just knew him as Mr. King.

Mom: I went clubbing with David Ruffin all the time.
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