tw // mafia, death, child death, murder, violence

❗reasons why mafia is not an aesthetic for y'all to use at your liking : a thread❗

although mafia was brought to the States and till this day is present in a lot of countries, it still represents a huge problem in italy. -
- corruption is still very present in the country and at the basis of the system there are almost always criminal associations such as mafia and more powerful families. however mafia doesn't only mean corruption. in the beginning it was only some sort of favouritism rich and -
- powerful families used to get profit from "" helping"" (with a high price and violence ofc) poorer people. it has many forms in all italy, and it is based on the omertà (which literally is the pact of silence among mafia men, the fact they will never speak out about crimes -
- and violence another family made). mafia doesn't ever sue others, they fix things their way. and connected to this let's move on why you shouldn't joke about it. I will tell you about Claudio Domino. he was only 11 and was killed by mafia. just because his parents cleaned -
- the room in which a process towards mafious bosses had taken place. let me remember you he was only 11.
Giuseppe di Matteo. he was only 12 when he was kidnapped. he was used to get informations from his mafious dad. he. was kept in a bunker for 25 months and was then killed. -
- his body was melted in acid. many more children, even new born and not even born children were killed. many more innocent people died because they were related to some mafious family member, to a crime or maybe cause they tried to do justice. the number of death mafia caused -
- are more than 5000 (only in italy and since 1860). it's nowadays still a huge cancer for Italian society and I swear nobody has the right to use mafia as an aesthetic or just joke about it. it's fucking serious and you need to understand that. please grow up and stop thinking -
- that as long as it doesn't affect your life than it's ok. if someone tells you something is disrespectful then you don't even question it. you just stop. and also I'm fucking mad at jype for using it as an aesthetic.
oh and just so you know. 105 of those 5000 victims were children below 17 years of age.
❗the fact itzy didn't think of Italian mafia when writing the song is even worse!! they literally only used its aesthetic which isn't right at all❗
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