I think a dark horse of change in the coming decade is a total redo of restaurant food

Any hobbiest playing in a kitchen for a couple years can cook better food than 99%+ of restaurants, better than any restaurant in many small cities. Something will unlock this potential
Candidates are cloud kitchen, sous vide, robotics, or some combo. Crafting world class Neapolitan pizza is deterministic and cheap. I want a low-cost pizza joint that rivals any in Naples today to be as inexpensive and widespread as Starbucks

So many great foods are like this
the fact that I can’t pay $10 for delicious sous vide veges of whatever’s seasonal in most cities is insane. It only takes vats of hot water, some olive oil & salt, and someone to order vegetables

I’d take that, even if it was takeout-only for simplicity, over 99% of restaurants
If we do it right I think this could revolutionize nutrition. Healthy food is actually delicious, but somehow we’ve ended up in a situation where no one in today’s restaurants knows how to cook them despite it taking literally 10 minutes to learn
Related, before deciding going into AI research instead I considered buying a company that does school lunches nationally, firing everyone but keeping the contracts, and creating low-cost high-end healthy food for kids across the country using sous vide and other technologies
I do think the economics would work out, I was talking with large food school food distributors a lot to talk about buying them and the current system is a giant fractal of messed up. Useless middlemen everywhere and tasteless rotten food. We could do much better
Ask your friends where they get joy from in life and most will list food in the top 5 or 10. We can 10x-100x food taste for the same cost while massively boosting health. Radically improving one of the biggest sources of life satisfaction is big! Everyone deserves fantastic food
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