At his press conference, @CityCynthia just asked Premier Ford why he's still pursuing half measures (if that) on workplace COVID-19 outbreaks.

He responded by saying “the variants in the workplaces are coming from the border.”

Does he seriously think people are that stupid?
By the beginning of March, just as the province was pursuing a reopening plan its advisors warned against, there were already 1,000 cases of the variants per week in Ontario.

The province didn't need to import new cases: They were already spreading.
it's not the fucking border.

(February 28 - March 6)
It's entirely correct to say that management of travel was horrible. Hotel quarantine should have been done earlier, and far more competently. Trudeau is clearly to blame for that.

But those mistakes were made 4 months ago. The ship has sailed.
Does Ottawa still need to fix the omnishambles hotel quarantine? Yes. But that won't change the fact that Ontario still has absolutely rampant community transmission, 90% is from the more infectious variants, and it is doing comically little to address it.
In a world where Ford was actually taking this seriously and doing his fucking job, instead of gaslighting us, his criticism of the federal government would actually be useful and effective.

But the emperor is absolutely wearing no clothes.
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