The #DailyDough!

1. A preview of what you might get with your blindboxes on @bakery_swap:
2. Today $BUNNY price tanked.
And then this happened, which makes me wonder what's gonna happen next and who knows about it.
4. Or you can use this new platform @BabylonsNFT to mint and sell your NFTs: 
5. @Goosedefi announces Venus vaults for this weekend.
6. @PancakeSwap just launched their auto $CAKE compounder.
Also, unless I'm wrong (could be), PCS TVL was about 5B yesterday (about 2B less than previous days), now it's about 10B.
That's a lot of movement for just 3 days (!?).
7. @ape_swap is partnering with @autofarmnetwork
10. For all $DOGE holders out there:

That means Elon Musk might talk about $DOGE on Saturday Night Live on May 8.
Do what you want with that info.
You can follow @JohnDoe04915899.
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