Here's the thing, guys. I see this a lot. If you're constantly comparing yourself to other writers and mimic them, you're losing yourself and you're setting yourself up for burnout and constant anxiety. Instead of trying to mold to those around you (not talking about inspiration)
Focus on what YOU offer. YOUR strengths, YOUR weaknesses. There is power in your weaknesses, own them. Make them work for you, not against you. But you can't do that if you're losing yourself trying to be someone else. Everyone's standards and process is different (cont'd)
By trying to match someone else's process, you're going to hollow yourself out. You don't know all of the steps of their process, their motivations, their skills, their experience behind their process. So you're mimicking something that goes against who you are. (cont'd)
I did that ALOT during the start of my career and I hated how it almost ended my desire to be in gaming. Don't spend your time watering a borrowed garden, cultivate your own. Being inspired is not the same as trying to become those that inspire you. You're special, hone that.
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