I finally watched all the cutscenes from JFO, I’m hurting

Ever since finding out about Trilla Suduri I grew to love her character, and now I’ve seen her full story

She was killed without being given the chance to redeem herself, and it just personally feels so fucking cruel
Yes I know everyone loves this game, and that her death scene is iconic, and that her final words are iconic, and that Vader’s entrance was unexpected, and I’m happy for you all that you loved it

This is how I feel, not how you all have to feel, and why should you?
What makes a good redemption story for me is when a villain is given a moment of catharsis after their redemption

Trilla Suduri was never even given an ounce of comfort before the end, or even the chance to be redeemed in the first place

She was simply killed then and there
Trilla was never given a chance when it came to the Empire

She had to see her fellow students get slaughtered in front of her, get thrown into an imperial torture chair, suffer agonizing pain, then get forced to become a pawn of the Sith

The dark side had not been her choice
Throughout Jedi: Fallen Order, the Inquisitors were given so much personality and backstory, that they were tortured, had to watch their friends get slaughtered, and looking back on it, a redemption scene/set-up for Trilla would’ve greatly fit with the themes of the game
It burns, it just really hurts, and maybe I’m crazy and being too desperate over this fictional video game character

But I wanted to see this woman being given a chance to heal, I wanted to experience that catharsis along with her
She was on the brink of coming back, the fucking BRINK of healing

It got torn away from her, and I just feel emptied by that, because I wish there was some way to bring her back (like cybernetics, similar to what they did to bring Fennec back from the dead)

But I doubt it tbh
I’m in a phase of wishful thinking, because I really don’t want JFO-prequel content to become the only possible source of more Trilla content going forward, because I know how her story ends, and that reality hangs like a cloud over any canon-preceding content with her
My emotions are all over the place as I’m typing this now at 4AM, I didn’t sleep, so I won’t feel things as strongly after I rest (lately I’ve been getting more and more apathetic towards Star Wars anyway)

But tonight I didn’t have that apathy, and I wanna savor its absence
in conclusion, I believe in Trilla Suduri supremacy
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