I met a man some months ago, he was complaining of chest pain, he thought it was a stomach ulcer, sometimes it got worse after he ate a heavy meal, other times when he was climbing his staircase

It was not his stomach at all!
His heart was not getting enough blood
Your heart pumps blood around your body yea?

That same heart needs blood itself, supplied by what I call coronary arteries, sometimes, these arteries can become narrow and not supply enough oxygen to your heart muscles.

This is what leads to the pain people feel.
Sometimes, this pain can be triggered by stress, cold weather, exercise, heavy meals and can last anywhere between 2 to 10 minutes at a time.

This pain is called angina and is a form of heart disease, there are other kinds of angina and some just come without warning
It is not something that should be joked with, It is a sign that all is not well with your heart and if ignored could lead to more serious problems.

We took some tests that confirmed that he had angina.
Gave him some drugs to help but he had to change his lifestyle
He stopped smoking, changed his diet to reduce his cholesterol levels for instance. If you are having any pain that looks like this, do not assume, make sure you get it checked IMMEDIATELY

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