Regret to inform my blood pressure that - having cleared my schedule for the day - I will be spending some quality time with DEMON'S SOULS this afternoon.
For reference: I bought this day one but had a lot going on around that time and never really gave it a serious go. Completed the original on the PS3. I'm basically on level one of the remake so might as well be starting fresh.
Death #1: Killed on the steps of Boletaria Palace while in the process of realizing that the sword I was using, my only scimitar, was broken and therefore barely dealing any damage.
Death #2: (ron burgundy voice) A man was viciously attacked by a pack of wild dogs in an abandoned pool (ok a dungeon corridor) underneath Boletarian Palace.
Death #3: Having outrun the dreaded red dragon across two open sections of bridge, I am just outside the strike area for his fiery wrath when a Blue Eyed Knight elbows his way through a gang of crossbow dudes and happily kills me where I stand.
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