[CN: sexual assault, grooming]

I read all the pieces about the Roth biographer who groomed women he had taught in Middle School by assigning them to journal, asking for intimate details, normalizing it all, then victimizing especially those whose trauma made them vulnerable.
[CN: sexual assault, grooming]

And all I want to say is that I've seen this story play out beat for beat in grad school when lit and rhetoric profs use the classroom to gain intimate access to students' interiors and then prey on them, all while touting their innovative pedagogy
[CN: sexual assault, grooming]

FWIW I also saw a male grad student do this to an undergrad woman in one of his first-year composition classes.

It's the most important focus here but there is a conversation to be had here about pedagogy, especially in writing and lit disciplines
During my MA, one of the most pointless classes I took was pointless not because of the subject matter but because the prof clearly did not care about preparing for or teaching it.

Several weeks in, I believe to cover for his bad pedagogy, he started bringing alcohol to class.
Like, not a drink just for him but wheeling in a whole cooler of fancy whiskeys to share.

We literally spent class time whiskey tasting instead of talking about bibliographic research methods (which BTW I actually really wanted to learn about).

I was 25. I wanted to be cool.
[CN: sexual assault, grooming]

This same middle-aged professor later started dating an undergraduate from one of his classes.

These things are related.
[CN: sexual assault, grooming]

I am not at all surprised that the Roth biographer won a state teaching award. Charismatic teaching is not necessarily grooming but certainly provides ample opportunities for it.

You don't see a whole lot of quiet women winning these awards.
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