#pfizer vaccine shot #2 recap thread - I have to say I was nervous about getting this one but I definitely prefer this to getting Covid so it was a no brainer. I went prepared with an ice pack for my arm after. I was also staying very hydrated. Water and Gatorade.
I was surprised how empty the place was in comparison to the first #pfizer shot. The staff there did say many did not show up for #2 which is disappointing. I did not feel the shot at all once again, and in the waiting area moved my arm continuously.
Once at the car I applied the ice pack for 5 min and drove home moving my arm on the drive. I had decided to have both shots in my dominant arm to make sure it had constant movement. I got the shot at 10:30am and by 9pm I only felt arm soreness and kept icing it.
At 11pm I did feel tired and some body aches. I took 1 Tylenol and a ton of water and Gatorade. Shortly after I went to bed and slept on my stomach with both arms up around the pillow. I woke up like normal the next morning, maybe a bit more tired than usual.
My arm was barely sore anymore and no body aches. I had done the same routine with my first shot and similar result. I’m glad I followed through and it’s a great feeling now that it’s done. Very worth it! Don’t hesitate and get your shot! End of thread. #Pfizer #GetVaccinated
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