THE INVISIBLE ENEMIES OF WEALTH (who they are and how to avoid them)

I went from being poor and unemployed to owning a 7 figure portfolio and a business that feeds 200+ families.

A huge part of my success was learning how to confront these Invisible Enemies

Before we begin, a quick PSA:

The words I write are simple but powerful when applied.

The advice I'm about to give you was learned through personal pain, poverty and hardship.

I don't ask for any $$ for this advice, only a retweet of the first tweet above 🙏

Let's start...
Enemy # 1 Your ego

Your ego can be your best friend or your worst enemy.

When everything seems to be falling apart, your ego is the one person who tells you to keep going, even if everyone else calls you "crazy."

But when things are going well...

Your ego is that voice...
which tells you to take it easy when you should be doubling your efforts.

Ego is also the pride that says you're "too good for this."

Unfortunately, that is the truth for most people which is why most people are not meant for business.

If you have a brilliant idea...
Will you be "too cool" to go knocking on doors?

If you can't even pay your bills... Will your ego be too big for you to do the ugly work that needs to be done?

If you want success in business and wealth

Make your ego your friend before he becomes your worst enemy
Enemy # 2 Your worst habits

Here's a powerful statistic to keep in mind: Your habits account for up to 95% of your behaviours

That means, up to 90% of what you do on a day-to-day basis is unconscious.

Now if you have more great habits than you do bad ones, you're...
doing well.

But like most people, it's probably a bit of both.

But here's the thing...

When it comes to business, just ONE bad habit can break you.

For example, let's say your worst habit is a chronic addiction to procrastination.

Well, unless you fix this habit BEFORE...
you get into business, you've already shot yourself in the foot.

You have no room for failure.

You have no time to waste on frivolous details like the logo on your business card.

Just one bad habit can put you out of business so before you even begin, I suggest you look.
at your habits both in and out of the office and do something about them.

Eg Maybe you are great at coming up with creative ideas but poor at day-to-day management.

Rather than trying to become a better manager, you might want to hire someone to do it for you.
Enemy # 3 Your fear of failure

Listen up because this is a BIG one.

Call it esoteric nonsense or whatever, but the bigger your fear of failure, the more likely you are to fail.

Here's why:

As soon as you start giving any attention to the *possibility* of failure...
our mind is subconsciously searching for ways for you to fail.

This is why when you look at mega-successful entrepreneurs like Kanye West, you will see an *irrational* sense of self-belief.

It's because successful people understand that you should never ever let your guard...
down when it comes to positive thinking.

So never give into your fear of failure.

I had every reason to fail:
> Grew up in a 3rd world country
> Married with a child and broke

Yet I still found a way to succeed.


I REFUSED to even entertain the thought of failure...
Enemy # 4 Your scarcity mindset

I know you've heard every entrepreneur and their mum say it but...

A scarcity mindset is the number one thing holding you back in business.

If you ask an average poor person if they could make $10,000 a month, they would likely tell you
it's impossible.


Because being poor IS a scarcity mindset.

I know it because I've lived it.

My life changed when I changed my mindset from scarcity to abundance.

When you do this

The sky becomes the limit

You go from thinking $100/day is a ton of money to thinking...
$10,000/day is okay money.

All your limitations exist in your mind.

But until you start taking some damn action and start making some money

those limitations will keep you poor forever.

Expand your mind

Build your wealth

Break free with your mind and with your wallet

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