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13 Programming Languages You Didn't Know Existed

#100DaysOfCode #CodeNewbie #Programming

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ᐉ Mint

Written in Crystal, it is a super-fast language for writing single-page frontend components.

Mint handles styling, data management, routing & comes with its own tools.

ᐉ V

A compiled language similar to Go. V has a UI library that builds native GUI apps for Linux, macOS & Windows using their native components.

It also partially supports cross-compilation.

ᐉ Haxe

Haxe's compiler can convert Haxe code into JavaScript, C++, Python & a ton of others.

Due to this wide compilation support, Haxe can be used to make Games, Web, Mobile, Desktop & CLI apps.

The possibilities are limitless!

ᐉ Red

Red calls itself a next-gen programming language.

Red offers full cross-compilation to almost any platform & is statically typed like most languages.

It produces single-file executables with no dependencies.

ᐉ Gravity

The syntax is Swift-inspired and it a dynamically typed language that can be executed on any platform or operating system.

ᐉ Orca

Orca is an (esolang) proof of concept programming language written in JavaScript.

It's a language used to send sequences to MIDI devices like audio/visual interfaces.

ᐉ EmojiCode

Are you still reading? Awesome! 🤩 here's a fun one.

EmojiCode is coding using only emojis. It's written in C & takes an object-oriented approach.

It is statically typed, yes emoji statically typed, and is currently for Linux & macOS.

ᐉ Slang

As a developer, have you ever wanted to make music? 😀 Slang is like a drum machine for programmers.

It is written in JavaScript & runs on the web.

ᐉ ModiScript

Do you speak Hindi? ModiScript is basically programming in Hindi.

It does a fun imitation of Narendra Modi who's the current Prime Minister of India.

The language is pretty funny to code in 😆

ᐉ Hamler

The Haskell-like syntax is strictly typed & has support for concurrency.

It runs on Erlang's VM and has compile-time type checking.

ᐉ Ring

Ring markets itself as an "Innovative and practical general-purpose multi-paradigm language".

The syntax is easy and lists start from 1 instead of 0 like many languages 🤨

ᐉ Wren

Wren has a similar syntax to Gravity. In fact, Gravity was inspired by Wren.

It is smaller than Gravity and is class-based while offering concurrency.

ᐉ Solidity

A contract-oriented, high-level & strictly typed programming language which runs on its own Ethereum Virtual Machine.

It is developed & maintained by @ethereum

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