Truly insane.

What the hell is the point of the Covid vaccine, if we must still live our lives like we didn’t get vaccinated?

Disincentivizes getting vaccinated.

Democrat politicians don’t want to give up there power.

It’s our patriot responsibility to tell them to stuff it.
1. What’s the data on fully vaxxed transmitting Covid to non-vaxxed?

2. What’s the data on those non-vaxxed who get Covid from fully vaxxed:

(a) becoming symptomatic?

(b) being hospitalized?

(c) dying?

3. Shouldn’t vulnerable non-vaxxed quarantine, instead of all?
We have ample Covid vaccines, therapeutics, hospital capacity, and public awareness to protect ourselves, including the elderly & vulnerable.

We don’t need power- & fame-driven politicians to protect us from ourselves.

It’s our “patriot responsibility” to tell them to back off.
These #StayHome orders, mask mandates, and other Covid fiats stampede over our core rights — including to express, associate, worship, and travel.

The burden’s on government officials to prove their continuing Covid fiats are both truly necessary & narrowly tailored to the data.
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