If for some unfathomable reason, you don't want to read my ~80,000 word thesis (what do you mean, the pubs are open?), then please enjoy this Twitter thread version instead... 😉 🧵
Chp1: Intro. #Dissociation is routinely overlooked because of its bumpy history in clinical circles & significant confusion about what it *is*. It's especially common in #psychosis where there is reason to believe it might actively contribute to psychotic symptoms (e.g. paranoia)
Thesis aims:
1) Decide a working definition of #dissociation
2) Test idea that it might contribute to psychotic experiences
3) Start the process of identifying psychological factors that might underlie dissociation (crucial for developing future psychological treatments)

Chp 6: Time to start thesis aim 3.

Network analyses of data from ~6000 (different!) survey participants suggests emotion tolerance factors might be involved in dissociation (less so factors to do with attention). Our old friend 'cognitive appraisals' looks key.

⏳Paper in prep!
Chp 7: Putting it all together.

Network analyses of data from ~900 NHS patients with # psychosis diagnoses largely confirms the findings in the previous two chapters (especially wrt hallucinations).

(FSA) dissociation was common in this group, too.

Paper in prep ✍
Chp8 (still with me?)

Conclusions: a lot still to do, but maybe this way of approaching the complicated problem of dissociation could be helpful? Epecially in psychosis?

Plus summaries, theory-practice links, future research suggestions & all that good stuff.

🎇The End!🎆
With thanks again to:
🟡 @EBeierl, @ItsAStatLife & @DrJCBird for stats brilliance
🟡 @Andrewmolodyns1 & many others for CRN excellence
🟡 @ProfDFreeman & Anke Ehlers for superb academic supervision
🟡 @drlouisecjohns & @AmybHardy for clinical supervision wizardry
& MANY more! 🙏
Emma out.

(If you were paying attention, you'll get this joke 😉)
Whoops. One more tweet.

As the kids say these days: not me forgetting to thank my funder(!)

This work was all funded by a @wellcometrust Clinical Doctoral Fellowship, via @UniofOxford. Specifically @OxPsychiatry.

So, hooray! all the papers are open access 👍🏼🥳
You can follow @ECernis.
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