I’m not sure I’ll ever “make it” in comics even as a pro, but I’m making comics and that’s what I want to do. https://twitter.com/treswritesstuff/status/1040061142540935169
My actual advice to any one trying to “make it” in comics is this: you have to NEED to make comics. You will most likely lose money (a lot of money) before you start making it, so you have to have an insane desire to keep working at a loss until you’re noticed...
...and even when you’re noticed or picked up that doesn’t mean you’re immediately in the black either. You’ll probably still lose money unless you’re going to a top tier comics publisher. It is very hard to have that level of determination and it can and will cause burnout.
Because of this you have to be patient and kind to yourself as well, which can be hard. We set ourselves up on Twitter and constantly see the actions and successes of colleagues, but everyone moves at their own pace.
You may feel an inclination to think “How come THEY get to do this thing?” That shouldn’t be the question you ask. The questions you should ask yourself is “What can I do to get to their point? How can I creatively leverage my time and finances to get more out of myself?”
How can you be better to yourself, your creative team, your colleagues? Hokey or not, I’m a big believer in the concept that the good you put out into the world will circle back to you eventually.
So, in short: head down, do the work, be kind to yourself and others, and try your best. Success isn’t typically immediate so most importantly remember to HAVE FUN. It is comics after all, objectively one of the most fun mediums ever.
Comics 2021 Mantra for Everybody
You can follow @frankee_white.
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