it's almost MAY DAY, comrades

so here's thread of working class & revolutionary books from the pens of speculative/weird/alt/whatever writers to read until the revolution comes

LIKE & RT & SEIZE THE MEANS (by plugging your fav prole writers below)
let's get this capitalist piggishness first:

my books THE MOLD FARMER from @6GPress & LEECH GIRL LIVES from @ReadSpaceBoy *both* include climactic (if ill-fated) worker uprisings

they may not exactly bring victory for the workers but they still kick a lot of ruling class ass!
also the anthology ProleSCARYet: Tales of Horror and Class Warfare edited by @Bainwrites et al is like, just out right now! it looks rad af & can be ordered direct from @CursedMorsels: https://twitter.com/CursedMorsels/status/1387891965824540672?s=20
also REAL AF and funny/devastating: What About the Rest of Your Life, a deadpan memoir of genderqueer struggles, racist violence and suburban hell @killdads

unflinching & furious
trying to stick to fellow hardscrabble small press scribblers for this but I'd be remiss if I didn't mention @doctorow's novella collection RADICALIZED -- especially the title story in which the for-profit insurance industry meets its match
fellow traveler @Andrewosaurus96 meanwhile forces readers to face the mysterious authority of bizarro oppressors in ALL HAIL THE HOUSE GODS

you've heard of "property is theft"

in Stone's book, property takes *you* https://www.amazon.com/Hail-House-Gods-Andrew-Stone/dp/1946335207
more small press suggestions pls!

more from famous authors b/c hey, theyre amazing & their nightmare visions of retail worker life are essential for confronting the true horrors of bourgeoisie exploitation: @NK_Adjei's FRIDAY BLACK & @carmenmmachado's HER BODY & OTHER PARTIES
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