i rly went from feeling immense shame around my body, serious body dysmorphia most of my life (to the point where i hadn’t actually seen my own body in a mirror till i was 18) to finding myself illegally, ridiculously hot

when i talk abt finding ur sexiness, i am serious as hell
i’m not being facetious. it’s legit important & changed my entire life.

i would dry myself after a shower & run out, for most of my life, because looking at myself was deeply painful

the fact that i can now make eye contact w/ myself & GENUINELY find myself hot is magical
i’m not joking about this! i find most affirmations very intense & faux deep

you need to actually sound like yourself to be able to believe what you’re saying

i really do walk around, find any reflective surface and go “godDAMN baybee, who gave u permission to look like this?” https://twitter.com/pragueyerrr/status/1387154810164633600
it doesn’t *have* to be physical. i am a fan of body neutrality. u don’t *have* to love it, it isn’t who *u* are, it’s just the shell ur bangin’ brain & heart come in

ime, it is a fantastic feeling tho, & i think it’d be really rad if more people felt it
for me, this took many years & shedding several layers of conditioning around my body

culturally indians r pretty conservative, + i lived in the Middle East

the first time i wore denim shorts that cut off mid thigh, (17), i felt basically naked

i was so viscerally uncomfy
the most life changing experience for me was meeting 1 of my best friends during my gap year in Sri Lanka

she is Austrian, completely different background & upbringing

we were shopping in a tiny village, there were no “fitting rooms” as such

i wanted to buy a beach covering
i didn’t even ask to try to wear it, i just said i’d buy it

she stopped me & said “shouldn’t u try it on?”

i was like....
she just said “ok!” & stripped so she could try her own clothes on

that was an immensely powerful moment for me

she was so comfortable with her own body that i was in complete awe of her

she didn’t tell me to do shit, i just stripped & tried things on too, feeling safe!!!
that was the first time in my entire 17 years of existence that i felt somewhat okay about my own body

if she didn’t care at all.....maybe nobody does? maybe i shouldn’t either? why have I been caring this long anyway??? it’s just a body?????

she is still one of my best friends
it’s just a body. if you want, you can find it sexy as hell, and in a way, it makes moving through life a lot easier.

the amount of brain space that was occupied by me trying to cover myself up in my tomboyish clothes was ridiculous. it’s replaced by Hotness, as it should be
if u want,,,,, find ur sexy!!!!! if i could, you can too!!!!!!! i promise!!!!!!!!!
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