The "Hero's Existence".

A 10 Point Thread.

1. Rising to the occasion always. Doing what ought to be done without flinching, *even if it hurts badly*.
2. Doing what he thinks must be done, after seeking approval from his conscience. Not giving a rats ass about the world's opinion.
3. Thinking his own way, finding his own solutions, relying on himself. Taking his own advice. Living by Living out his own convictions.
4. Rejecting what is wrong in his mind there and then. Ability to self-reflect with total transparency. Taking utmost care to Never bullshit himself.
5. Overcoming fears within one at a time instead of playing victim, and actively fighting outside to do Good in the world.
6. Actively fighting against falsehood, stupid public opinion & other dangerous influences of society.
7. Never drifting, always having clear objectives to achieve. Never attempting even to "fit in".
8. Encountering difficulties with a smile. Defying danger, enjoying opposition and loving the challenge of Life.
9. Perpetually Risking something bad to do what is True, Noble and Good.
10.Takes 1000% responsibility for his own existence, very happily. Never ever blaming anybody else.

In a world that actively pushes the acceptance of lower standards, be a Hero. Rage against it with all your might.

There is only priceless Happiness & Satisfaction to be gained.
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