waking up to my feed covered with the news of noel clark has been an exhausting way to start the day. the most triggering thing about it is how telling it is of the industry, even in smaller platforms & communities (1/7)
this shit is happening in drama schools, fringe theatre communities, and low-budget projects too, not just with celebrities & people w/ “power”. I have personally told colleagues/friends doing fringe theatre that they were working a man who sexually assaulted me, (2/7)
only to see them posting pics of them still working with him & actually attending his wedding only a few months later. It was heartbreaking and it nearly killed me because I realized (3/7)
people don’t want to hold abusers accountable if it puts their personal gains at stake. I’ve seen this casual dismissal of abuse happen to many women in my circles as well. This shit is everywhere and its insiduous and sickening. It silences us and the abuse continues. (4/7)
one of my biggest fears is that one day my r*pist will become famous and successful and i’ll be in the same position as those 20 women. I think about it all the time and my heart is breaking for them. I can’t imagine what they must be feeling right now (5/7)
Even posting this has me scared shitless, but I’m thankful to have a therapist and a support network who remind me to reclaim my power (6/7)
So if you’re upset about this news, I pray to all the fucking gods that you’re holding those in your circles to the same standards. It’s easy to send a tweet. It’s much harder to actually do something. (7/7)
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