Interesting how @PlayMPL are using the lack of official recognition of esports in India as a way to market their gambling games and fantasy sports as 'esports'

"even simple digital versions of prominent and physical sports recognised by official sports federation – such as pool, chess, archery or shooting – should fall under the ambit of esports" says MPL. Which is of course absolute horse shit.
What worries me is IF the government just outright bans gambling (as they often do with things they don't understand fully), MPL's usage of esports to describe their gambling/betting app could negatively affect actual esports in India.

People need to call this bullshit out.
On one hand a governing body for esports in Indi could lead to red tape and corruption and make the Indian market unpalatable for publishers, and on the other you have companies like MPL who're gonna try and pull off shit like this.

Fucking fun.
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