Employees said their bonuses ranged from $5k to $20k. A CDPR spokesman said the average was ~$34k. Staff had expected more for their first big game in 5 years, and the bonuses, tied to profit-sharing, would have been far higher if Cyberpunk hadn't been such a mess at launch
A CDPR spokesman told me that they'd allocated $29.8 million for bonuses to 865 employees.

CDPR allocated $28 million for bonuses to 5 board members.
I did hear some good news out of Poland this week, though. One CDPR employee told me that following Bloomberg's reporting and many internal reviews and complaints, the company did a salary reevaluation and bumped up wages for some of the company's lowest-paid staff including QA.
On a CD Projekt earnings call, someone asked if these executive bonuses were "appropriate." Here's the full question and co-CEO Adam Kiciński's full response. Kiciński is set to receive a $6.3 million bonus
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