Dear Feminists,

Its Not Proverbs 31 WOMAN
Its Proverbs 31 WIFE

1. Her husband is proud of her (v.11)
2. She does not overspend (v.11)
3. She does not mock husband with workmates (v.12)
4. She respects the leadership of the husband (v.12)...
5. Her thriving business is secondary to family wellbeing (vv.13-16)
6. She is a hardworker (v.17)
7. She has excellent management skills (vv.18-21)
8. She is charitable (v.20)
9. She brings honour to her husband (v.23)
10. She is dignified (v.25)
11. She is faithful (v.26)...
12. She is wise (v.26)
13. She is a homemaker (v.27)
14. She is praised by her husband, not her boss (v.28)
15. She looks after her children (v.28)
16. She is pro-life (v.28)
17. She values character over looks (v.30)
18. She fears the LORD (v.30)
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