SukHoon Drabble (?)
- no title because I can't think of anything
- tw: mcd
- this is what the advance apology is for
Junghwan is a journalist who wants to find an interesting story to write about, he stumbled upon an old bar up the hills where the owner tells him a rather interesting story about a grave with two names in it.
The bar owner, red head and clad in a baggy checkered long sleeve shirt was named Yedam. He pours the younger a drink and slides it on the table, the brown colored liquid swirled inside the glass as he starts to narrate the history of almost a century ago.
The Choi's, a wealthy clan of merchants. The head of the family is close to the governor of the city and has ties with almost every politicians in the region. They have two sons, the first one is Hyunsuk and the second is Doyoung.
The two boys are raised to be a fine young gentleman who will inherit the family's business and wealth especially the eldest, Hyunsuk.
For the reason of wanting the best for their first born they sent him to the most expensive school, an all boys school at that with a dormitory system which will allow him to grow independent and not to lean on other people when it comes to tending to himself.
That's when he met Park Jihoon. Son of a war general and is pursuing art instead of following his father's footsteps. Hyunsuk doesn't mind though, he likes watching him sit in front of the canvass and draw and paint for hours about sceneries of nature and the city.
Jihoon started to notice Hyunsuk lurking around the area when it's time for him to paint so one afternoon of summer, when the older was peeking behind the door, Jihoon placed his paintbrush down and turned to see him, Hyunsuk, wide-eyed and flustered, scuffled away.
That continued until Junkyu accompanied him in his painting session and the latter called out Hyunsuk for watching in secret. The older explained that he only wanted to see the paintings because they're beautiful. Jihoon's quickly shifted his attention to his masterpiece.
The three of them started to get along, skipping classes, running around the hallways and accompanying Jihoon in his painting sessions. Everything is alright and that went on for years.
Until they reached the age of 16 and as boys undergoing puberty their heights shoot up but not in Hyunsuk's case.
Jihoon likes to tease him about his height and casually slungs an arm around his shoulders to demonstrate how taller he was than him. Friendly gestures and all for fun, all for fun until they started to hang out together without Junkyu.
During the night before the holiday break where they'll be sent home to spend the holidays with their families and Junkyu was about to say goodbye to Hyunsuk, he forgot to knock and saw his friends kissing under the staircase.
Junkyu is still holding grudges on them for leaving him behind and keeping their relationship from him so he told Hyunsuk's parents about their son's deeds. The Choi's immediately ordered for Hyunsuk to return home and that was the last time they saw each other.
Hyunsuk is given a private tutor instead and is kept inside his room and is not allowed to step even a foot outside. His father even burned the letters that Jihoon sends him and told him that he's a disgrace to the family.
3 years without communication and Jihoon is still not giving up. He still writes him letters and makes small palm-size paintings for him. Junkyu saw how miserable his friends were and asked forgiveness to Jihoon, the latter punched him and broke his nose but he didn't fight back.
He later proposed to infiltrate the Choi household and uses his family's influence to make them agree to at least let them see each other one last time. The Choi's aren't giving in and he later found out that the reason Hyunsuk is kept hidden is because he fell ill.
He told Jihoon about it and that started the latter's daily mission to stand across the street, craning his head to see if Hyunsuk will at least peek on the window.
He didn't know how severe he is but to pass time while he waits, he sits on the floor and paints the same window everyday, hoping that one day Hyunsuk will have enough strength to get out of the bed, open it himself and see him.
And that he did.
A Wednesday morning and Jihoon is setting up his canvas when all of a sudden the enormous windows opened, purple curtains were drawn and there standing, staring back at him, smiling while waving his hand was Hyunsuk.
Jihoon dropped his brushes and the can of paint rolled on the ground as he held his breath because after months and months of waiting at the same corner the Heavens finally heard his prayers. He waved his hands and started to shout 'I love you'.
Hyunsuk is still in his sleepwear and it's evident that he lost weight and his hair has grown longer but his smile. It's still the same bright smile Jihoon used to love.
The window is three floors above and his breath fogs the glass panes as he whispers an 'I love you too' in his weakened state as Junkyu stands on the side and watches out for any other family member who might come and interrupt the moment.
It was the beginning of summer of that year when a war broke. All fathers and sons are called to help out in the war. Jihoon, as the son of a war general was assigned in the front lines. .
Fighting day and night never ceased him to think about Hyunsuk and he kept on writing to him until he's assigned to a further destination. His chance of survival and return is thinning
But he came back three years later only to find out that Hyunsuk has finally succumbed to his disease. Junkyu handed him a letter that Hyunsuk told him to write for him since he's too weak to even hold a pen.
"It's been years and I know it's hard. It's harder for you. I'm sorry if I can't do anything. If only I don't have this disease I would have jumped off the window, climbed the gates and run away with you. I knew about the letters but I didn't have the chance to read them,
but Jihoon I love you. They told me ours was not love but I realized that it was. What you and I have had was the truest love I have ever felt. That's why I don't want to leave without being able to tell you that I have loved you from the first time I saw you sitting in front of
your canvass looking much more beautiful than all the sceneries you've painted. You're the real masterpiece. I loved you from the day you warmed my hand with yours because I forgot to bring my gloves, I loved you from that kiss behind the old library,
I loved you so much that seeing you waiting for me outside the window made me want to hold on a little longer until you come back, but I guess it wasn't meant to be. I wish I could look into your eyes and tell you all of these personally. I wish we could go back to the time at
the institute, where we would litter at the hallways and hide behind the staircase, before all the hate, the war and my disease came that teared us apart. I love you and whatever happens, I'll be with you.

Yours, Hyunsuk."
Junghwan stops writing and looks up to see Yedam pulling out an old photo of men in uniform, he pointed at the one on the farthest left.

"This is Private Park Jihoon. He's a distant relative of my grandfather who came with him on the war."
Junghwan scans the photo with his eyes, hands trembling from both nervousness and excitement. "But, why is their names on the same gravestone? Are they buried together?"
"Yes. Two years later another war broke and Jihoon is assigned on the trenches, he sustained injuries and died, his last request was to have him buried beside Hyunsuk. Their families agreed to bury them together."
end of thread.
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