So we know the @FCDOGovUK has to make tough choices. But the 80% cut of water sanitation and hygiene aid makes no sense on a number of levels. 🧵
3️⃣ Our international partners are already raising eyebrows and scratching their heads? Just ask Sweden’s new development minister @thinkper
4️⃣ We are undermining our ability to address the spread of superbugs, identified as one of the nation’s big threats in #IntegratedReview. @DrTedros
covered this yesterday weak health systems lacking WASH means we can’t halt AMR 
5️⃣ Existential threat for the @G7 to deal with, says @MattHancock today. I’m not sure cutting aid for #WASH is the kind of bold, pragmatic step @UKAMREnvoy would advocate.
6️⃣ Nor does the cut help with making the case with the public about Global Britain playing it’s part in the world with #UKAid
Depriving the poorest people in the world of access to clean water, decent toilets and good hygiene and the wrong thing to do, and we need to put it right. But don’t just take my word for it.
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