I cant quite believe the experience I had yesterday with local police officers.

I think I will be making a formal complaint however wanted to share first for advise etc.

Whilst in a local park with my 9YO niece I walked past a pair of officers and failed to acknowledge them I.e I didn't reply when they said hello as I was in a world of my own

A matter of seconds later the officers stopped me, called me rude and demanded my details. As I was 'acting suspiciously' (walking in a park)

I'm aware of my rights, hadnt committed a crime and respectfully declined.

They were clearly unhappy but consented to me leaving.

Several mins later whilst sitting with my niece i was approached again by the same officers. Who proceeded to inform me that the eScooter my niece was riding was a PLEV? and so was to be treated as a motor vehicle. They were to seize it.

Image attached of scooter. 4/7
The scooter was seized and I was informed that without a name of whom it was seized from I would be unable to get it back.

I believe this was an unlawful attempt to acquire my details and that they were essentially bullying me into providing them without lawful reason?
Niece distraught, me peed off, officers on their merry way having 'got one over' on me. I'm livid!!! 6/7
I'm aware that me providing my details would have prevented all of this from happening and feel awful for my niece but why should I have to do so on request?

I've ordered her another scooter as I feel terrible but need advise regarding how to deal with this incident.
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