Leicester students - are you silently lurking? No worries - here's some info just in case. On Tuesday May 4th, Action Short of a Strike (ASOS) begins. This industrial action is designed to bring pressure on the uni to halt compulsory redundancies. 1/n
145 colleagues in other departments and professional services are at risk of job loss. The entire union, even those of us not currently at risk, have decided on this action to try and save those jobs or mitigate the losses. 2/n
There's 8 things we're going to do as part of ASOS. The most serious and impactful for you is the marking and assessment boycott. It may mean that work is returned late, or marked by someone other than your lecturer. It may stop progression or delay graduation. 3/n
Nobody takes this action lightly. If you know SAAH at all, you know we have all put students first this last year. This is true across the uni. And it may not seem like it, but ASOS is also about putting students first. Drastic job cuts impact your learning conditions. 4/n
It means less specialist support in education and library services. It means fewer modules and options. It means the closure of programmes. It means a lack of critical perspectives. It means more work for those of us who are left. It means more stress, more anxiety, less hope.5/n
But university should be a hopeful time. A few short years of possibility, of discovery, of learning what you like and don't like. A chance to contribute to a culture of learning in big ways and small. Improved working conditions means improved learning conditions. 6/n
The university should be for all of us. So we undertake ASOS for all of us. For our threatened colleagues. For ourselves, who may be next. And for you, so there's still a place that nurtures and supports, challenges and inspires, frustrates and lingers long after you graduate.7/n
So have patience with your lecturers. Ask questions about what is happening. Put your critical skills to use by questioning both narratives. And always remember that students remain at the heart of what we do, across the sector. @leicesterucu
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