Here is a thread of videos of me and @Jaimi_Shrive having a chat about our new report


You can download it from
Video 2: What theories does the data challenge?


Video 3: 51% of 22,419 UK women reported having woken up to their partner performing a sex act on them

Me and @Jaimi_Shrive discuss

Video 4: If you are a woman who has realised that this has happened to you when you were asleep

Discussion with @Jaimi_Shrive

Video 5: Responding to comments that the data is inflated due to sexual harassment being so common and explaining our calculations


Video 6: Discussing the sampling of 22,419 women


Video 7: Discussing the sampling part 2


Video 8: Why does this data make so many people uncomfortable?

Me and @Jaimi_Shrive discuss

Video 8: Why does this data make so many people uncomfortable? How can women look after themselves when reading this data?

Me and @Jaimi_Shrive discuss

You can follow @DrJessTaylor.
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