in the next 50 years or so half the world population is going to just *poof*
aint that fucked
it's not that culture isnt important and politics isn't important. it's just that, why bother trying to convince anyone of anything if it's a cointoss whether they'll still be here in 10 years
I think the answer to all the sex weirdos corrupting our kids by being sex weirdos online and in libraries and shit, is just, why the fuck are your kids online and in public institutions. are you insane
the whole thing is a death cult, they're all going to die
and this literally isnt "fedposting" because no one has to lift a finger. imploding world economy, penicilin imunity, birth rates, food supply, standard of living, return of regional warfare. but mainly disease and food stuff
the whole "left" thing is basically an attempt to make people self-select for weakness, to be front sorted in the coming global population reset. normalize being fat and having a bad immune system, step to the front of the line for the euthenasia festival, yes sir step right up
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