Heh, I’m feeling grumpy today. Lots of threads saying “Tag your favourite people in this Follow Friday” thread, or “Post your best minis to this thread”. It always slightly irks me.
Why does it irk me? Well, I wish we’d all just cheer for things we love. We shouldn’t need to feel pressured to join in. People we think are grand? Shout about them! Minis you’re proud of? Damn well show them off!
And generally it feels a bit lazy too. I can’t be arsed to post my own mini pics, or do my own FollowFriday lists? Hey everyone! Do it for me!
I know it normally comes from good places, and wanting to build up hobby enthusiasm. And it's grand once in a while. But as soon as one thread takes off, all I see are copies of the same idea. Over and over.
If I wasn’t suffering from hay fever and a headache, it wouldn’t worry me. Like I said, grumpy today.

But I do much prefer to see genuine enthusiasm to lift people up than joining in the latest twitter bandwagon. Always shout out the stuff you love!
You can follow @evilkipper.
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