A person has tried to shut down a (not so) technical conversation on a popular mailing list with:
"you work *for* Oracle as an evangelist. [...] I don't discuss religion."
Which, in the context (Oracle vs PostgreSQL) I read as "you work for something I dislike so STFU". 1/
It was my fault in first place to answer to a thread that is easily inflammable.
I have learned in the past to avoid that. But I can't stand reading people with lack of knowledge advocating against something they don't know. 2/
I've built deep technical knowledge and gained respect from customers and colleagues for over 20 years, and I have to admit that being despised because of my employer is very upsetting. 3/
The last time I've felt discriminated at work was because I was "too young". That's obviously not the case anymore :-) 4/
And it's a very first-world problem. I think about people being discriminated for their sex, religion or skin color, and how much that must hurt in comparison.
That's it. I might feel bad sometimes, but I am very privileged. 5/5
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